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How to Order If The Hills Could Talk by Author David Nelson Nelson

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If The Hills Could Talk

Click here to learn more about David Nelson's novel, The Shade Tree Choir

This is a collection of short stories and personal essays. Even though the setting is in a midwestern town named Dubuque, Iowa during the 1950s and 60s, readers everywhere will relate to my childhood experiences. I included stories of the South where I have lived my adult life. Familiar doors of the past will be opened for Baby Boomers while younger readers will visit an America when lives were more simple, safe and structured. It was a time we drank from garden hoses, rode bikes without helmets and never locked our doors. Some present day lifestyles in the Midwest and the South are poked and prodded using imagery, satire and symbolism. Readers will be entertained and educated with memories as thick as Karo syrup slowly sliding from a tipped glass bottle to an awaiting stack of steaming pancakes.

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