Cowboy Poetry: now there's an oxymoron for you! It just doesn't sound right. It's sort of like 'postal service' or jumbo shrimp'. Cowboy Poetry has been around for centuries and is a unique form of storytelling.
In 2004, I was given the title of "The Cowboy Poet Laureate of Tennessee" by Governor Bredesen and the General Assembly. I travel America representing our great State!
In America, it has its roots during the Great Cattle Drives of the 1880s. Cowboys would come in after working all day and sit around telling yarns in rhyme. Some songs we grew up with were first cowboy poems.
Since the mid 1990s, I have been performing my Cowboy Comedy Show in venues all across the United States. People from all walks of life appreciate the off-brand sense of humor and insight. Campfire Collection of Cowpoke Poetry is a collection of my works. I even have a section about my lovely wife, "Trixie". (Her real name is Jean but I changed her name so nobody would know.) I have all kinds of stories about her messing things up in different situations.
The best way to enjoy Cowboy Poetry is reading aloud or even better, reciting them after you memorize my work. Many fans have told me they read my poem "Every Day Is Christmas Out Here On The Range" aloud before Christmas dinner. What a nice compliment! Boy Scout leaders have read my poems to their troops, activities directors in nursing homes have read them to patients, and little kids have heard them before bedtime. When people tell me this, it puts a lump in my throat and I appreciate everyone who supports me.
Within Campfire Collection of Cowpoke Poetry you will encounter cloning, endangered feces, meanest horse I ever rode, and much more. You will appreciate Nature when a cowboy spends Christmas alone in the mountains. You will learn the 'cowboy code' and there are a few areas of historical fact. All in all, you will laugh, think, learn, and maybe even cry. So buy the book and kick back around a campfire or read my works around the dinner table.
Now if you would please spread the word and help sell a few more, Trixie won't have to use the push mower in the pasture and we can get us a tank or two of gas for the riding mower!
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